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Become a Project Empower Impact Ambassador

Increasing the discussion about mental health, breaking the stigma, and making wellness accessible for all, it all starts with you.
We’re looking for change-makers passionate about mental health advocacy. Those who have started a mental-health related project or have a great project idea they want to put into action.


Apply to become a Project Empower Impact Ambassador to receive specialized resources for your project, to broaden support for your initiative, and to join our movement for wellness accessibility. Impact Ambassadors will receive social media coverage of their work and will have access to resources designed just for their initiative: such as powerpoints on stress management, email templates to partner with other organizations, posters for awareness campaigns, etc. We would love to work with you

Contribute to the Project Empower Toolkit

The Project Empower Toolkit is a collection of resources about various aspects of mental health, from information on yoga to anxiety grounding techniques.


If you are a mental health advocate and you're interested in sharing your knowledge for the wellness accessibility movement, we encourage you to  become a Toolkit Contributor. Send us an email with your name and contribution idea to get started.

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